Here I sit, week five of staring at the same white walls, listening to some bad pop songs and wondering when these Groundhog Days are going to end….One thing that has been keeping me sane during these challenging weeks is teaching. I created an entire online curriculum for my students. I finally got to put all my pedagogy into action in written form. I have always utilized a syllabus in teaching, but now I get to pass all this information along in a literal sense. It’s been a fulfilling challenge to create written content that is trying to captivate my boys, in addition to teaching them virtually. In my ballet classes, I get to be the best version of me. I needed a heavy reminder of the necessity, especially now, of continuing to move forward, dig deep, and keep going. When I received one of my amazing student’s assignments, I got the nudge I needed. If only I could spend the entire quarantine in the Happiest Place on Earth…my Google Classroom. My little student Aiden, taught me the lesson of Sisyphus. Sisyphus was a cruel Greek king who was punished to push a large rock up on a steep hill, only to find it rolling back on nearing the top. Ever since, he has been known for pushing the rock tirelessly till eternity. Much like my jumping, dancing, leaping students, Sisyphus refused to surrender to gravity. In the words of my student Aiden for his Alphabet Project, “N is for Never Give Up”. So, I’ll keep embracing my purpose and give it all I’ve got today, and tomorrow, and the next, and the following, and until I can see them in person again my Hawkshaw mysteries and games of Ballet Clues will have to suffice. My recipe this week is to grill a Beyond Burger and throw it on a GF Bun. Dinner done.